Integral Heart Foundation: EIN 27-4957996
U.S. Registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization: See official IRS list of non-profits online
IRS Non-profit Determination letter received Dec. 22, 2011 (See 501c3 letter)
Guatemalan Legal Entity - Registered Non-Profit in 2013 (See Registration Acceptance Letter)
We incorporated in Utah because of the low cost to non-profits in that State.
IRS tax returns 2011 to Present are viewable below.
See info-graphics on
our work in Guatemala

2023 - With a cumulative attendance of 510 feet crossing our door every
month we are thrilled with the stability of our school for our  children 
ages 4-12 years. With a slight growth in revenues to $195,500 but a
significant increase in costs we are expanding our reach to try to 
increase funding drives for next year.

- This year saw a return to in-person classes and despite
on-going restrictions imposed on schools regarding the number
of students allowed, we were able to accommodate all 70 students
with classes and in our nutrition programs. In December, with the
help of a local fundraiser we replaced the roof on our main outdoor
teaching room.
Revenues down a little at $191,000.

- With our homework and food basket deliveries in full swing
since April of last year we continued the support for our 80 students
and our sponsored families seamlessly throughout the year. With the
school still closed we took advantage of the space to host spaying
and neutering clinics in cooperation with local animal rescue
organizations which we also support. You can see photos of all our
work from the link on the home page.
A small increase in revenues to $194,700.

- A difficult year for all. In response to the global situation the
government of Guatemala ordered all schools to be closed in March.
We responded immediately by transferring our resources to delivering
food baskets and homework to our students and their families; for 
which they were most grateful since the shutdown of public transport
had great affected their earnings. 
We actually had a 2% increase in revenues to $192,340.

2019 - This year marked the end of our teenager program with the 
graduation of our last 11 teens who started with us when they were
just children. Our focus this year was on expanding our programs
and services for children ages 4-11 years. Our average attendance
was 485 feet-crossing-our-door every month.
A slight growth in revenues to $189,700.

2018 - With an average attendance of 530 feet-crossing-our-door every
month we are thrilled with the stability of our school for our 83 children 
ages 4-20 years. This year we also plan to continue our work with street
dogs which started last year with almost 30 dogs and puppies re-homed
by our students and staff.
A slight growth in revenues to $193,000.

2017 - A year in which we settled into our new school in Antigua Guatemala
where the work of continuing the classes for our students has taken on a new
sense of heart and family! We are so proud of our staff and students for
making the Integral Heart School such a warm and loving environment.
A slight growth in revenues to $189,000.

2016 - This year our biggest achievement was the opening of our own 
school, La Academia. We now have a home for our 85 students, a base
for our Family Liaison / Social Worker and the school is also home for
our Critical-Thinking, English, Spanish, History, Psychology and Homework
study classes. We are also serving over 1500 meals and snacks per month
to our students, staff and volunteers. With the addition of one part-time
fundraiser, whose role was to primarily fundraise for the school, we 
raised our overall revenues to $186,000.

- A year in which we worked primarily on depth; in our Critical-Thinking
Program and in the relationships we have with our existing sponsored 
families, students and our donors. This was also a year that saw a dream
come true; the commencement of our Teacher-Training Program which allows
6 senior Critical-Thinking teens (5 of whom have been with us for 5 years)
to enter our three-year, full-time learning program. We also finalized the
funding requirements that will allow us to install 34, 250W solar panels at local
non-profit schools and centers in 2016. 
Revenues $154,000

2014 - This was a year of change within the programs on the ground in
Guatemala. Firstly we promoted our local Guatemalan staff person to
manage our family sponsorship program. Our former program
director was empowered to run a new independent program called the 
Organic Learning Center. IHF is currently supporting 45 families and 55 students,
with 25 students in our Critical Thinking Program. Total Revenues $128,000

2013 - We formed a local non-profit on January 14, 2013 here in Guatemala.
Asociacion Corazon Integral - NIT: 8015 519-6. Our financial support grew
moderately and according to our projections and we had a nice increase in 
in gifts-in-kind in 2013. We are now supporting 14 college students, 49
sponsored children, 28 teens in our Critical-Thinking Program, 4 staff and
10 additional projects and related overhead. Total Revenues $104,000

2012 saw a 100% increase in funding over the previous year. This allowed for
the opening of a second kindergarten and allowed our sponsorship and educational
programs in Guatemala to grow, provided us with the confidence to add our two
paid staff members. Total Revenues $89,000.

2011 was a year of great growth for The Integral Heart Family in Guatemala.
As a comparatively young organization, we began work in 2010 with moderate
cash reserves and no donor base. Total Revenues $38,000.

2010 was the year that we first began with the idea of forming our own
non-profit entity after 6 months of volunteering with other organizations
in the Antigua Guatemala area. Total Revenues $8,000

* Total does not include gifts-in-kind and estimated value of volunteer labor for that year.
Please see our IRS 990 tax returns below for those specifics.

Integral Heart Foundation: EIN 27-4957996
Date of U.S. State Incorporation - February 14th, 2011.  (See State Registration)
We are incorporated in Utah simply because of their low cost basis for non-profits.
501c3 IRS non-profit tax returns:

- 990ez 2023
- 990ez 2022
- 990ez 2021

2020 - 990ez 2020
- 990ez 2019

- 990ez 2018
- 990ez 2017
2016 - 990ez 2016
- 900ez 2015

2014 - Part 1 / Part 2
2013 - Part 1 / Part 2
2012 - Part 1 / Part 2
2011 - Part 1

IRS Non-profit Determination letter received Dec. 22, 2011 (See 501c3 letter)
Form 1023 is available on request: please contact us.
Guatemalan Legal Entity
We formed a Guatemala non-profit on January 14, 2013:
Asociacion Corazon Integral - NIT: 8105 519-6
Mailing address:
Integral Heart Foundation
1649 Blaine Ave
Salt Lake City
UT 84105                                  
(Guatemala Address)
USA: (1) 646 235 3666                         Guatemala: (502) 4789 0522
Contact email:
Email: info at
Banking details:
Bank Name: Wells Fargo USA
Account name: Integral Heart Foundation
Contact us for details
Privacy Policy: Click here 

Whistleblower Policy
: Click here 

Conflict of Interest Policy
: Click here
*Why is The Integral Heart Foundation not on CharityNavigator?
We are a small non-profit and CharityNavigator requires
public support to be more
than $500,000 and total revenues to be more $1,000,000
 in the most recent fiscal
year. For more see;

Please support our work and education programs by making a donation below:
The Integral Heart Family is a U.S. Registered 501(c)3 non-profit.