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Sponsors a
child in our
Program for
daily food
bath and fun.
Sponsors a child
to go to high-school
and to receive a
monthly food/
protein basket
for their family.
Sponsors a
teen to attend
college and to
receive a
monthly family
food basket.
Sponsor 3 children
to go to school or
3 tots to
attend our
Kindergarten for
one month. |
you for investing in our programs!!!
Aaron S, Adam R, Ambika T, Ana Isabel, Anna L, Allison M, Ann G,
AndreN, Armin,
Anaite A, Annette G, Arni V, Beth T, Bart O, Barbara S, Brad & Patty, Brenda I,
Christine B, Chis C, Christian, Claudia A, Daniele W, Danielle and Family, Dan &
Kamie, Dennis S, Dianne, David R, Eva & Matt, Edwin B, Elisa, Ellen and Ryan S,
Eva V, Kyozen Sensei, Elaine, Franz, George,
Gregor, Gina, H.B., Stacy M,
Haggart Family, Helena & Integral Edinburgh, Holly & Grace, Irene B, Ingrid M,
Iris F, Jeff C, Jim & Cindy, Jacky, Joseph & Andrea S, Jennifer C, Jenny, Tyler and
Friends, Jordan H, Joyce C, Jessica, Joanna & Canberra Integral, Jade G, Jon &
Nicole, Kamala, Kenneth, Kay, Kate F & Jim, Kevin & Sam, Kristina B, Jennifer,
Jethro & Sima, Jose Javier A, Jeff & Mariana,
JC, Judy & Dannica, Jyoti S, Kristina,
Kelly & Bob, Keith & Karen, Lee W, Leap Foundation, Lida O, Linda S, Lisa T, Laurel
J, Luisa, Linus R, Laurel S, Loring P, Lynda St. D,
MarySue, Marcos C, Martin, Maria
B, Maria IDC, Maria IS, Matt B, Maura C, Mauricio Z,
Malena, Marc & Ilana,
Marguerite L, Mikey, Mike D & Kathy, Michael L, Michael & Michelle,
Margaret G, Maura C, Mary H, Marsha, Norah, Neil, Oliver R, Osiris & Nina,
Patrick, Paul, Pam,
Patricia F, Paddy E, MIS Technology, Stuart, William, Natalie
(and the Worthington cluster), Oscar P, Ruth C, Rich L,
Rachel I, Reina & Aiden,
Richard S, Robert F, Sally C, Sandra P, Sharon,
Shanna, Shelley S, Sean W,
Stephanie Y, Stephanie H & James, Sima S, Silvia R, Seamus &
M, Tanya H, Vegar & Christy, Ted & Boston Integral,
Victoria S, Yvonne K, Yee H.
are most grateful!!
Debora, Mick, Liz, Reinhard, Marisol &
Lizeth. |